Monday, May 9, 2011

Last Nite

So what do you on the last nite with yourself in the hospital room?? Yeah, its my last nite and hoping that there will be no repeats in coming here either. I watched movies I could get the chance to watch due to my busy chores of work and life. I watched my plenty of left-back episodes of my second favourite anime - Bleach. I get to pickup on my sleep which I lack. But mostly, I get to be one with myself, searching for myself and learning to be strong again.

At times when your havoc life goes to the top, you'll need to find that quiet place in your mind to loose everything to make path for greater things to come. God has HIS ways of showing and it took me years to see. Its not a matter state of meditation, its higher. It is where you find back your strength when you were in your youth where you had the best of words, the gain of wisdom and now all you need is just a clear mind to bring them back. God is always there. Believe in him and never for once not thanking him of all the HE has done to make you stronger. Only by his will can you make it further. Your love, your child, your madness, your wealth are just mere morale support but you faith is the true strength

Being in a stage of madness sure do scar the mind. But sometimes in madness you'll find freedom in emptying your mind to look back and leap further. Now taking one step at a time, I will make time. Yes... My true failure... Time...

"Ya ALLAH, I thank for all the things you had given me, showed me and thought me. Ya ALLAH, I beg for your help, for your kindness so I would not have to return as I was before. Ya ALLAH, I need not to be the best. I need only the best for my mother, wife and child to have the best of what I can deliver."


Signing off
Daddy Rain
09/05/2011 @ 0158

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