Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kellie's Castle - The Rear wing

The unfinished construction
The scorching these past few days really making me not in the mood for anything except water, water and more water intake! I barely even touch the computer not until my son requests for his online play date that I'll swing along to use it.

This time however, is the Kellie's Castle rear wing which was supposed to be for the owner's wife/kids. It was a magnificent piece I must say with the decaying paint really brings out the structure.

This was the second thing I was when I walked into the castle before heading towards the castle. I did not had much time to explore the rear wing as time was not in the essence so I picked the best place possible for me to plant the tripod out of the way of the visitors moving around.

If memory serves me well, this section of the castle was supposed to be made out of love but due to the war, the owners of the castle had retreated back to their homeland and abandon the structure. And during the war, the castle was also used as a fort for which ever forces but if you would visit it today it was quite a confusing site to be made as a fort as there are no town nearby for supplies.

This heat really is not making my day... hope you guys enjoyed this and the instagram feature of my padi/rice field.

ISO 100
HDR 5 Exposure

Signing off
Daddy Rain - 24/09/2013 @ 2056

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