Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Padi / Rice field - The Asian Diet - Part 2

This is where everyone gets their rice
This is the real Asian diet - rice!!
Well it has yet to undergo its process in order for you to get the rice. This is in its raw form looking at the greenscape of it sure is soothing.

Again on the pit stops of le old road to Taiping. Stopping for this scene took me quite sometime cause I was running around when I was the 3 bikes with big bag heading back home (see previous previous post). This scenery surely reminds me during the days I used to hang out at my God brother's place in Kedah (the land with the most padi field in Malaysia) and breathing the cool breeze of the natural green.

Lens glare on this photo was not added but came right through due to the time of day I was around it and the heat.

This scene also reminded myself of my late Dad's stories of his days when they used to live nearby the padi field when they were living in Terengganu where they had activities like swimming in the muddy pool, catching betta fish for later to be in the arena to win and catching haruan fish & but-but (pronounced as boat-boat) bird for dinner.

Me on the other hand tend to keep away from that muddy water coz I know how the leeches that sticks to the cow tends to be bigger than your fingers - LOL!!

So when you eat rice, remember the farmers who put their energy to get it all done to your plate.

ISO 100
HDR 5 Exposure

Signing off
Daddy Rain
18/09/2013 @ 1936

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